Preaching From the Heart

Australia is in the midst of a profundly important debate. We are considering whether or not we will support The Voice to Parliament. The Uniting Church, through the Creative Ministries Network congregation, have coordinated a collection of sermons reflecting upon this issue. To quote John Bottomley, the editor of the collection: ‘Preaching from the Heart’ is a project of the Creative Ministries Network congregation in response to the invitation from the Statement from the Heart to join Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people on a movement of the Australian people to a better future. You will hear God’s unequivocal ‘yes’ to the Statement from the Heart in the twenty sermons from Indigenous and settler preachers as they reflect on what this journey means for churches and the nation.” ...

September 10, 2023

Bridges to Peace

This evening I went along to “Bridges to Peace”, a multi faith gathering hosted by the Anglican Parish of Darlington-Bellevue. It was a fabulous evening, with a generous, warm-hearted discussion. Perspectives on faith and reason were given from the traditions of Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and the Baha’i Faith. I was invited to offer a Christian reflection, which I’m posting below. It was a gathering of people who were willing to listen, and willing to share. I’m looking forward to the next event, which is planned for May 2024. ...

September 3, 2023

Hazelnut Pie, in honour of Julian of Norwich

(Jump to recipe) Today we launched a series of spirituality events in the Anglican Parish of Kalamunda-Lesmurdie. The first was led by the Reverend Bec Bydder, in celebration of the six hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the Revelations of Divine Love. For a bit of fun, I decided to bake a hazelnut pie, as a reference to this quotation from Julian: “Then he showed me a small thing, the size of a hazelnut, nestled in the palm of my hand,” Julian writes. “It was round as a ball. I looked at it with the eyes of my understanding and thought, What can this be? And the answer came to me: It is all that is created. I was amazed that it could continue to exist. It seemed to me to be so little that it was on the verge of dissolving into nothingness. And then these words entered my understanding: It lasts, and will last forever, because God loves it. Everything that is has its being through the love of God.” ...

August 26, 2023

Theatre Review: Ladies Who Wait

“Divorced, Beheaded, Died, Divorced, Beheaded, Survived” So goes the old ditty, gleefully recited by a fellow audience member standing near the bar during intermission. Ladies Who Wait is currently being performed at the Subiaco Arts Centre. On the surface it’s a bawdy, dark comedy: the Tudor Queens brought to life through a series of improbable encounters with two common servants, Alice (Colleen Bradford) and Agnes (Fiona Forster). Yet, there’s far more to this play. Yvette Wall, its playwright, has well and truly subverted that old rhyme. These Tudor Queens are, truly, queens, brought to life, embodied, granted agency, no longer merely the objects of that horrible chain of verbs. ...

August 18, 2023

Barbie: A Theological Reflection

Exploring how the film Barbie is in dialogue with the Biblical tradition, and the last fifty-odd years of feminist theology, and reflecting upon personhood as a central concern of the film.

August 16, 2023

Giving thanks for faithful prophets in every age

This sermon was preached on the 30th of July 2023, the ninth Sunday after Pentecost. Text: Matthew 13.44-58 Like most kids, I spent a lot of time sitting in the back of my parents’ car, listening to the radio as we rattled around the suburbs on the weekend, shopping and running errands. I remember, when I was very young, the people on the radio going on and on about a woman. She’d behaved scandalously. She’d shaved her head. And she was saying bad things about the Church. ...

July 30, 2023


As I write this post, I’m an Anglican1 ordinand living the gap between completing a Formation for Ordained Ministry program at Wollaston Theological College, and (God-willing) ordination to the diaconate. The last few years have been very busy… and now I find myself, somewhat jarringly, with an abundance of free time. I’ve been gently exploring some new things; learning the ukulele (these efforts watched surprisingly appreciatively by my cat), reading a lot, baking and cooking, and gardening. ...

January 14, 2023

Baraq, flashcards for Biblical Hebrew

This year I’ve been studying Biblical Hebrew at Murdoch University. We’ve been using a fantastic textbook, Biblical Hebrew, Second Ed. (Text and Workbook) by Bonnie Pedrotti Kittel, Victoria Hoffer, and Rebecca Abts Wright; Fully revised by Victoria Hoffer. Despite the great teaching and the fun workbook style approach to learning the language, I’ve found learning and retaining the vocabulary to be quite difficult. To help myself, and anyone else learning biblical Hebrew, I’ve developed Baraq, a small web app which uses the wordlist from our textbook. ...

October 8, 2019

Usage of the Book of Job in the Revised Common Lectionary

I’ve just enrolled in a Graduate Diploma in Theology at Murdoch University. I was able to enrol via an alternative pathway opened by the Wollaston Certificate in Theology, a one year part-time course offered by the Anglican Diocese of Perth. The Wollaston Certificate allows (if approved by the coordinators) an alternate pathway into enrolment in the Murdoch theology program - a wonderful path into postgrad study if you don’t otherwise meet the prerequisites. By doing eight units, including the four core units, and then putting together your work in a portfolio, you can apply for admission to Murdoch. ...

February 22, 2019